Monday, August 9, 2010


Three months in Belfast, Ireland would finally end. in two weeks, Papaps would be here... weeee! =D But oh, 5extra days of stopover in SG and Malaysia with mom is a tease. They're gonna spend less than a week of vacay to celebrate their 29th wedding anniv... =)

All of us here in Davao are missing him too much already. What could he be feeling now, too? Family life and ministry would be a lot different with Papa around here. And for that, I do need a time of prayer and fasting for fourteen days... not alone, of course. =)


  1. Dear Wej, I'm so pleased that you dropped by my sewing blog. I hadn't been checking much this summer though I just did a post on how to make a quilt using coloring book pages and crayons.

    I was really blessed by your posts. I've been reading some of them. I am a Christian too. I have another blog that is more about just everything at

    I love the beautiful photos of your family and especially your father. He looks so happy. Mine passed away on Jan. 8th so I really miss him.

    Thanks so much for dropping by.

    In Christ's Love,

    DC's Creations
    Comin' Home

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